Running from Violence

This picture was taken yesterday. The young girl in the photo is running for her life from the boiling tensions in her village.

Months ago, her village was attacked by a neighboring non-Christian tribe, and dozens were killed. In the aftermath, local church leaders met to plan a trauma healing meeting and free medical clinic that we are sponsoring for the survivors (click here to learn more).

The church leaders expressed joy because these projects will be the first in their area. But early yesterday morning, just as the trauma healing was set to start, the village was attacked again. A young man was killed.

And this girl, like many others, fled. Thankfully, one of the pastors who was going to lead the trauma healing saw her and picked her up in his already-full car, taking her to safety.

Would you say a prayer right now, asking for a calming of tensions and another opportunity to hold the trauma healing and free medical clinic?

God bless you!


An Oasis of Peace


Praying for the City Gates